Indus Valley Civilization : Period of Civilization

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Lothal, Gujarat Archaeologists like Sir John Marshall thought that the Indus Valley Civilization belonged to the period between 3250 B.C. and 2750 B.C. It is the period when the Egyptians, Babylonian and Mesopotamian Civilizations flourished.

From the objects discovered at the cities of the Indus Valley Civilizations, historians have made a comparative study of the contemporary civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Babylonia. They came to the conclusion that the Indus Valley Civilization was at its height of glory during the period of the contemporary civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Babylonia.

Therefore, it was concluded that the Indus Valley Civilization existed between 3250 B.C. and 2750 B.C. as during this period Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Babylonian Civilizations flourished. However, recently Indian archeologists using the technique of radio carbon dating, are inclined to believe that the period of Harappan culture extended from 2500 B.C. to 1500 B.C.

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