Delhi Sultunate : The invasion of Tamerlane or Timur

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Timur The worst of the Mongol raids took place in 1398 under the leadership of the notorious Timur, a central Asian Turk, who maintained that the Tughlaq's were not good Muslims and therefore had to be punished. The provinces of Gujarat, Malwa and Jaunpur took the opportunity to proclaim their independence. Timur having sacked Delhi, returned to central Asia, leaving a nominee to rule in Punjab. The Tughlaq line ended soon after, but not so the Sultanate, which continued, though a shadow of its former self. Timur's nominee captured Delhi and was proclaimed the new Sultan, the first of the Sayyed dynasty which was to rule during the earlier half of the 15th century. The Sultanate had survived, but only just.

The Sayyed's kept the machinery going until a more capable dynasty could take over. A governor of a northern province, Bahlul Lodhi, saw the opportunity of the ousting the Sayyed's and became the Sultan of Delhi in 1451. The Lodhi were of pure Afghani origin, which meant the eclipse of the Turkic nobility.

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