Famous Personalities of India
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Famous Personalities of India Who's Who is an attempt by us to help you to know more about those persons who have made important contributions to the Indian history as well as to Indian Culture, Science and other fields of equal importance. It is a collection of information about those personalities who lived and contributed there works prior to the Indian independence. Although information about those persons who lived after independence is also contained in it.

We are continuously upgrading our database and including more and more persons whom we feel have made some significant contributions to India's glory. We also invite you to participate in our mission and send us information about any such person whom you feel that we may have missed out. You can mail us along with the information and a photograph of the person (if available) at whoswho@indiansaga.info. Also send us a scanned copy of your photograph, alongwith your name, in 'jpeg' or 'gif' format, of 130 X 130 dimensions. If your information is found to be authentic we would include it in our database alongwith your name and photograph.

Although the main emphasis have been laid on the time period prior to independence but soon we would be upgrading our database to include information about those persons who have lived and contributed their works after independence of India. The research team of indiansaga.info is at present working on such personalities.

Some links in the following pages take you outside the who's who section to return back you may use the back link of your browser. If you are, by any chance, unable to locate some personality in our Who's Who database you may try the search option located at the topmost left corner we hope you query will be satiated.

May your quest for knowledge be fulfilled.

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